


Paradise: Practical Wisdom To Unite Our Divided World


In a world that often surrounds us with hatred, violence, division, injustice, and negativity, Paradise: Practical Wisdom to Unite Our Divided World offers a much-needed refuge of hope, love, and peace. This ecumenical book is unique in including hundreds of inspirational quotations from the world’s major religions—Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism —and readers may be surprised by how much they share common positive beliefs that unite rather than divide.

Paradise also features insightful poetry, thoughts, and quotes from famous philosophers, celebrities, leaders, intellectuals, and advocates for humanity across history. From Muhammed to Jesus, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Dr. Seuss, and Yogananda to Buddha, what unites these bits of wisdom is a call to be loving, to spread peace, to do good deeds, to follow higher powers, not to be overwhelmed by negative energy, to know that you will be rewarded in the afterlife, and most of all, to be kind, generous, and respectful to your fellow beings and yourself. And to smile as often as you can!

If you pick up this book and read a little bit of it every day, its wisdom will restore your soul, a few words at a time.